Our Beliefs

These beliefs have been at the heart of our business from the beginning. They are responsible for who we are today, direct our daily work, and help us stay on course as we head into the future.

Belief 1

The Image Is Everything

If you don’t look good, we don’t look good. It’s that simple. The quality of the finished products you deliver to your clients plays a big role in your success. We don’t take that lightly. That is why we make your images look as good as possible - we know you’ll look great as a result. And that is all we care about.

a grid of card shapes over a gray background with a larger photo print of a woman hugging a man in an outdoor setting
Belief 2

Work Hard. Be Nice.

Working hard creates an environment where we take great pride in what we do. It leads to pushing ourselves to constantly do better than we did the day before. It drives us to develop new products and services that you will love.

Being nice creates an environment where people feel valued and respected. It makes all of us look forward to coming in to work day after day. It’s what makes us keep searching for new ways to make you smile.

two side-by-side- images, one on the left shows a person with white gloves using a knife to trim a photo go a dog laying at it'd owner's feet, and the other on the right shows the same print, boxed and on a conveyor belt
Belief 3

Celebrate Failure

To keep getting better, we have to make people feel comfortable trying new things. For that to happen, we have to embrace failure. If an error is made trying to improve what we do for our clients, we don't dwell on the mistake. We celebrate the effort to make us better. In celebrating failure, we actually get better at serving you. Funny how that works, isn't it?

two side-by-side image, one on the left shows a bin with a rolled print and framing pieces surrounded by confetti, and the one on the right shows a print of a boy on a styled barrel.
Belief 4

Often First. Always Best.

At WHCC, everything we do is focused on your success. That's why "Often First, Always Best" is our motto for developing new products and services. We constantly strive to be the first to bring great new products and services to our clients.

When we're not first, it's because what we have isn't good enough yet. You see, the only thing we want more than being first is giving you the best. Not just our best—the industry's best. It's a high standard, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

two side-by-side images, one on the left shoes the back of a print on a work table with a blue and white grid, scissors, and measuring tape, and on the left is a finished album with an image of a couple on their wedding in an outdoor setting.
Belief 5

Stay Humble

To keep ahead of the constant changes of this industry, you can’t have a big head. As a leader, staying on top means that you have to believe you never are. You have to stay humble and look for ways to provide even better services and products. At WHCC, this is what we’ve done since 1978 and it’s what we will continue to do, every single day.

two images side-by-side that creatively meet in the middle,. The one on the left shows a right hand holding a film camera which transitions to the image on the right of a left hand holding a modern digital camera.
Belief 6

Speed Matters

In today’s fast paced world, speed matters. Especially when you’re up against a nearly impossible deadline for a client. That’s why we always move as fast as we can for our clients without lowering our standards for quality and service. And we’ll never stop looking for ways to move even faster.

Gloved hands inspecting an open album that shows several images of a boy with a superhero costume in an outdoor setting.
Belief 7

Create Moments of Delight

At every turn, we look for ways to put a smile on someone’s face— especially for each other and for our clients. From dreaming up fun new products to putting suckers in our shipping boxes, we’re diligent about creating moments of delight. For us, this is what makes coming to work each day feel nothing like work.

two side-by-side images, with the one on the left showing a cake with the words, "Create Moments of Delight" written on it, and the one on the left is a thank you card with a circular cutout shape and an image of a toddler with a colorful lollipop.
Belief 8

Everyone Deserves Our Best Service

Some labs treat a few of their clients better than others. We don't believe in that at WHCC. Not because we don't value our loyal clients, but because we believe that you should treat people as you want to be treated. For us, that means everyone deserves the same level of service - only our very best.

A group of employees on a white background
Belief 9

Honesty Above All Else

There is only one way to do things at WHCC - the right way. We can't do that without being honest. In being proactively honest we make things smooth for our clients. Speaking truthfully improves communication and reduces points of pain. That's why honesty runs through every single thing we do.

Honesty spelled out with production equipment on a production floor as seen from above

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