What You'll Need

  • Measuring Tool (like a ruler)
  • Tape (to hold the ruler)
  • Camera (phone or handheld)
  • Light (natural and artificial)

Photograph the Wall

Whether your photographing the wall or your client is sending you an image, below are some helpful tips for getting the best image.

  1. Choose your wall and remove existing artwork or decorations.
  2. Place a piece of paper or some other measurable object on the wall.
  3. Stand far enough away from the wall that you have part of the floor or ceiling in the frame, or both. This will help provide visual context.
  4. Photograph the wall with your camera positioned horizontally, or landscape style.

Natural Light Tips

If the room you are photographing has a window, identify which direction this window faces so that you can maximize your natural light.

  • From the North: Try to get your photo between 10am and 2pm.
  • From the East: Before 10am.
  • From the West: After 2pm.
  • From the South: Before 10am or after 4pm.

Final Image

Now you have an image ready to use for new wall collage designs!

Next Steps: Calibrate your new image by following the steps at this tutorial.