Display Settings

You have some customization options such as file name and rating display.

To turn file names on or off, make your selection here.
Adjust your rating display under this menu.
This shows your menu with all selections on. You can toggle them on and off to display what you prefer.
We generally recommend this selection. The Yes, Maybe, and Unrated ratings visible, and the No ratings hidden.
Lastly, select how you want images ordered by tapping through this menu.

Rating Images

As images display you can select the rating on the right and they will display as a small thumbnail on images in the gallery.

Find the compare tool in the top right or bottom left corner.
Tap multiple images to compare them and adjust their rating as you make your decision.
Display larger selections of images and use two fingers to zoom in to evaluate details.

Viewing Final Selections

When your ratings are complete, tap the gallery display to view them in a scrolling view and check through any to make final cuts.

View your final images and tap images to adjust their rating.