ROES is acting a little buggy

If ROES is opening but acting a little weird while using it, try clearing out the ROES cache. On the Featured page at the bottom right select Diagnostic Tools > Clear Caches > Clear Both Caches > Ok. ROES will close and you’ll need to reopen.

ROES will not launch, no error messages

This often means something is blocking ROES from launching. Try checking these things:

  • Are you on a private home internet connection? Public/shared connections will often block ROES.
  • Do you have any firewall or anti-virus software running? Try turning that off temporarily.
  • Are you the admin on the computer?

ROES will not launch and is giving an error message

An error message often means an issue in one of the program files. If you have previously had a successful launch a full uninstall and relaunch may help this. Follow the reinstall guide steps below for your operating system.

ROES Reinstall Guide

For PC

  • Go to Control Panel > Java > General Tab. In the bottom Temporary Internet Files section, click ‘View’. This will open the Java Cache Viewer window. WHCC ROES should be listed there. Highlight it in the list and click the large red ‘X’ at the top of the window to remove it. (Remove all instances of WHCC ROES.)
  • Go to Control Panel > Java > General Tab. In the bottom Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings > Delete Files and check all the boxes and click OK.
  • Go to Computer > C Drive > Users > [your user name]. There should be a .WHCCROES folder and a .roescache folder. Delete both of these.
  • Relaunch ROES from our website

For Mac

  • Make sure that any ROES shortcuts are deleted from the desktop, the dock, the Downloads folder, and Applications.
  • Go to Finder and select Go > Go to Folder (or hit CMD + Shift + G). Type in ~/.roescache and delete the contents as well as the main folder.
  • In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder again, type in ~/.whccroes and delete contents as well as folder.
  • In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder again, type in ~/.RoesEngineCache and delete contents as well as folder.
  • Relaunch ROES from our website

For Sports & Events ROES

Different steps are needed for Sports ROES. Please contact customer service.

Still having issues?

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please contact customer service.